Paris - Eiffel Tower (Gold)


Artist, Angela Morris-Winmill treasures and celebrates history. Through her ever-changing creative process, she takes a piece of the past, adorns and enriches it, creating both a celebration of what has been before and a work of art to be enjoyed for years to come. 

The exhibition features paintings, sculpture, screen and giclee printing. Each artwork starts with an object that has a past, objects that already have their own stories. Angela does not strive to re-write these stories but to positively adorn and embellish them, taking them to new places and creating even richer histories along the way. 

In this solo exhibition Angela has introduced maps of some of her favourite international cities, from Paris and Edinburgh to New York and her hometown of Sydney. Through her process of screen printing, gold leafing and hand-embellishment Angela creates entirely unique artworks that celebrate these cities as we know them, all the while acknowledging it is their histories that makes them what they are today. 

Angela starts with objects that have a past, objects that already have their own stories. She does not strive to re-write these stories but to positively embellish them, taking them to new places and creating even richer histories along the way. Whether through an old map, the bones of an animal or the physical plastic removed from rivers every piece in this solo exhibition exemplifies Angela’s mandate that far more beauty can be found in the rebirth and reuse of objects than when they are simply new.  

Each of Angela’s abstract works starts with plastic that she personally has removed from local water sources, either from a beach clean, or taken from the banks of the Thames. This plastic is then ground down by hand and mixed into a variety of paints. Through a paint-pour technique Angela creates a vision of what our seas should look like. An explosion of colour submerging you in the depths of the ocean, with each bubble and drip of paint mirroring the natural movement of the water. 

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Angela Morris-Winmill’s Solo Exhibition ‘Adorn’

Type:Art Exhibition

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